BWH Hotel Group Central Europe

Safe on Business Trips

WE CARE CLEAN - Clear information on hygiene and safety measures per location and hotel


Thomas Zubac
Director BWH MICE Desk

In coordination with the specifications of the respective state authorities, health offices and the Robert Koch Institute, as well as with the hygiene and safety regulations of the national hotel associations, all measures to protect guests and employees have been implemented in the hotels of BWH Hotel Group Central Europe.

These include, for example, establishing minimum distances via markings on the floor, enlarging gaps in the various hotel areas and informing guests about hygiene regulations when booking and checking in. Working with face masks and regular, thorough and intensified cleaning and disinfection of all rooms after each stay and of public areas according to tested hygiene regulations apply. In addition, dispensers with disinfectants suitable for viruses are available in all public areas and employees receive regular training in hygiene.

Planning security - all currently valid travel information at a glance

For each hotel and location, guests are informed before arrival about the respective safety and hygiene measures of the individual hotel as well as further information on the applicable testing obligations upon arrival and during the stay, among other things on and the hotel's own websites. In addition, all of the Group's hotels ensure the highest standards of hygiene with the international "We Care Clean" promise, so that travelers can feel as safe as at home.

Picture Gallery: Safety first – BWH Hotel Group

Video: Best Western - We Care Clean

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SafeBusinessTrips Hygiene & Safety Accommodation BWH Hotel Group

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