Musik- und Kongresshalle Lübeck

The safety and health of our customers, guests and employees are our top priority. The Musik- und Kongresshalle Lübeck maintains a close exchange with the authorities.


Karola Empt
Phone: +49 451-7904115

The hygiene and protection concepts are continuously adapted and expanded in cooperation with the responsible authorities. The successful use of our hygiene and protection concepts and the spaciousness of our premises allow us to stage events with the greatest possible safety, to maintain the required distances and to comply with the applicable hygiene standards.

Room and seating plans have been adapted to the new conditions. Frequently used areas are cleaned regularly, and disinfection dispensers are available at all entrances and exits and in the WC areas. Scanning systems are available for speedy admission.

Digital and hybrid event packages offer solutions if room capacities are insufficient or alternative concepts are desired. A mobile studio complements the digital offering.

The team at Musik- und Kongresshalle Lübeck is experienced in planning and implementing events with the highest safety and hygiene standards. We support our customers and provide planning security for the realization of their events.

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SafeBusinessTrips Hygiene & Safety Venues & Locations Musik- und Kongresshalle Lübeck

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